Bacta Mask
About this scene:
Luke has now emerged from the Bacta tank, and is beginning recovery. First, a protective healing mask is removed from his face by 2-1B, and then he is able to converse with his friends. This leads to a rather awkward scene between himself and Leia.
Part of this scene was left intact at the point where Han enters the room, but the rest of this scene involving the mask removal and Luke's conversation with Leia ended up being removed. It remains in the novel and the comic book adaptation.
Some photos are from the LucasArts Behind The Magic CD ROM, the rest from various other sources.
To download and watch Luke and Leia begin to kiss from this scene, click here.
(Quicktime movie file, 140 KB with sound - from a trailer for The Empire Strikes Back)
INT MEDICAL CENTER - REBEL BASE Luke is out of the chamber, lying on the bed previously occupied by Han. Leia is at his side. She brushes the hair out of his eyes and runs her fingers along the scar on his face. LEIA LUKE LEIA Their eyes meet. Luke touches her cheek with his hand. LUKE She does and it's confusing. Their lips are very close. About to kiss. The door opens noisily and Threepio enters with Artoo. Leia pulls back, startled. Luke realizes the moment has been lost. His mind races for a way to regain it as Leia takes on her more formal manner. The droids are a bothersome distraction; Luke's concentration is on Leia. Artoo beeps a cheerful greeting. THREEPIO LUKE Artoo beeps and whistles. THREEPIO LUKE LEIA (about to
leave) THREEPIO LEIA LUKE LEIA Leia's reaction is so much bigger and more vociferous than Luke expected, it starts what is to become a growing snowball of confusion for him. LEIA LUKE LEIA That's just great. Why doesn't everyone just take off? LUKE LEIA First Han, now you. When am I going to learn not to count on anyone but myself? ... LUKE LEIA LUKE LEIA LUKE LEIA (back to her
Artoo) Luke's head is spinning as Han and Chewie make a vigorous entrance. The Wookiee GROWLS a greeting. Behind the UnScenesGeorge Lucas and Gary Kurtz observe as the 2-1B hand is manipulated to lift the mask. Crewmembers delicately remove the mask from Mark Hamill's face. |