Alternate Names: Muftak, Caldera Righim (CCG)

Actor: unknown

Description: Cullatran, a Talz, likes to hang out with an unknown alien at the back table by the door in Ackmena’s cantina, where they have a tendency to drink too much and pass out on the table before the end of the night. This usually results in a rude awakening by Tork the bouncer.

Details: This alien is the same species as Muftak from the cantina in A New Hope, but is most likely a different creature since Muftak and a Chadra-Fan named Kabe are supposed to be inseparable. We have given him the name “Cullatran” since this was the unused name for this alien given in a 1978 Lucasfilm memo.

Quote: “Bebebebebingbingbing!”

The Star Wars Holiday Special 1978 Cantina Alien Caldera Righim
The Star Wars Holiday Special 1978 Cantina Alien Caldera Righim